Deer Hunting Archives - Catch Them Easy


Category Archives for "Deer Hunting"

Duck Hunting vs Deer Hunting: Head to Head Comparison

Hard-core deer hunters and hard-core duck hunters love their style of hunting. But when hunting season comes around, what is better? Duck hunting or deer hunting? We can’t decide on just one, but we put duck hunting and deer hunting head to head in this comparison to let you decide.Duck Hunting Pros and ConsProsYou don’t […]

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How Big Can a Deer Get?

Big Whitetail Deer

In North America, it is the whitetail deer (Odocoileus virginianus) which is the most common. In fact, the whitetail deer is one of the largest of U.S. land mammals and are the most regularly hunted species of deer. With muscular bodies, a keen sense of smell and super acute hearing, hunting them can be quite tricky. […]

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Does Coyote Predation Truly Decrease Whitetail Deer Populations?

Camouflage Coyote

It seems that whenever whitetail deer populations decline in the presence of coyotes, deer hunters automatically assume that coyote predation is the cause and thus, they call for a bounty to be placed on the predators. However, the fact is that predation is Nature’s way of controlling animal populations and often, removing apex predators from […]

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Best Deer Stand Blind Elevator Bracket of 2021 Reviews

Best Deer Stand Blind Elevator Bracket Reviews

Building that perfect elevated deer stand blind for the new season huh? We salute you, though have you got everything you need for the build? One little piece of kit that people forget or don’t even consider when elevating a blind, is a special elevation bracket. These brackets are very simple to use and take a […]

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Best Deer Hunting Bibs of 2021 Guide & Reviews

Best Deer Hunting Bibs

Let’s face it, deer hunting can become a very messy outing even for the best of hunters. As well as having the right clothing to endure the harsh, wet and muddy conditions on a long day’s hunt, you’ll also want to ensure that you’re protected from all the nasty stuff that comes along with field […]

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How to Eliminate & Cover Your Scent When Hunting Whitetail Deer

Whitetail Deer Smelling Around

Any avid whitetail deer hunter will tell you that a deer’s sense of smell is their number one defense against predators. Thus, in order to successfully hunt whitetail deer, you must take steps ​to eliminate your human scent completely. Consequently, it’s wise to employ a number of different methods to eliminate your scent when hunting […]

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How to Find a Good Deer Hunting Stand Location

Finding a Stand Location

The first step to finding a proper location to place your tree stand, ground blind or tripod stand is to learn how to recognize, and then scout, good deer habitat. Then, you need to learn how to recognize the favorite types of foods that the deer populations in your area prefer. Then, you need to […]

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How to Choose Camouflage Clothing for Hunting Whitetail Deer

Staying Camouflage When Hunting Whitetial Deer

​While it’s true that whitetail deer have an extraordinary range of senses (some of which are far superior ​to humans), such as their sense of hearing and ​smelling senses. They use these senses to fully experience their world in order to find food and avoid predators. Their visual acuity is considerably less than that of […]

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What is the Deer Rut?

The Deer Rut

​In the U.S., the rut is a phase of mammalian reproduction entered into by whitetail deer and other mammals such as elk and moose. The rut occurs generally during the fall and this period is when most of the breeding activity among these mammals occurs and, as most hunters will be aware, it is one […]

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