Hunting Bibs vs Pants: Head to Head Comparison - Catch Them Easy

Hunting Bibs vs Pants: Head to Head Comparison

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​​Walls Men's Hunting Non-Insulated Bib Overall

When hunting season comes around, what do you wear? Some hunters stand by their hunting bibs while others can’t stand them. There are clearly some differences in bibs and pants. Hunting pants are just like regular pants, with the exception that they were made for hunting. You’ll usually find water-resistant or waterproof pants that have extra pockets with a nice fit. Hunting bibs are the middle-ground between pants and coveralls. They don’t cover your entire body but sit higher than pants and are held up by shoulder straps. So, what’s better? Hunting pants or hunting bibs?

Here we give a head to head comparison by listing the pros and cons of hunting bibs and hunting pants and provide our final conclusion.

Hunting Bibs Pros and Cons


  • Keeps bugs off your back: When you are deep in the woods and sitting, crouching, or lying down while you wait, hunting bibs make sure the bugs stay off your back. If you’re not a fan of bugs, hunting bibs will help prevent them from crawling on you.
  • Most are waterproof: With waterproof bibs, you don’t have to worry about moisture getting inside your pants and making you wet or cold during your hunt.
  • Extra pockets: Many hunters enjoy the extra pockets that bibs provide, and many bibs supply extra deep pockets with zippers that give you additional protection from the elements.
  • Freedom of movement: Hunters love the freedom of movement they get from having no waist straps, buckles and belts. Freedom of movement is important for hunters.
  • Great in cold weather: In cold weather, bibs will keep you warm. In frigid weather, consider getting some insulated bibs to keep you warm even during freezing nights.
  • Stays on during hunting: Bibs have shoulder straps that keep them on your body at all times. No need to worry about your pants falling down.


  • Straps can be uncomfortable: Some hunters find shoulder straps to be uncomfortable. While some bibs brands have very comfortable shoulder straps, some people just can’t handle them.
  • It can get hot in warm weather: In warm weather, many bibs will keep the heat inside without much room to escape. You might get hot in warmer weather, especially with insulated bibs.
  • Going to the bathroom: One of the biggest problems some hunters have with bibs is not being able to the bathroom as easy. When you need to squat in the woods, unstrapping your bibs can be a pain. And make sure you don’t let the straps hand beneath you while you’re doing your business!

Bibs conclusion​

Overall, bibs can be an excellent choice for hunters and offer many more pros than cons. As long as you are okay with shoulder straps, aren’t hunting in extreme heats, and keep the straps out of the way while going to the bathroom, hunting bibs are a solid choice.

Hunting Pants Pros and Cons


Hunting Pants
  • Comfortable to wear: Many hunters who can’t deal with bibs instead use hunting pants because of their comfortability. While hunters who like bibs because of the ease of movement, hunters who prefer pants enjoy a waistband and don’t mind wearing a belt if needed.
  • Great in warm weather: When you are hunting in warm or hot weather, pants might be your best bet. Bibs can get very warm in hot weather, and pants allow for breathability in your lower back area.
  • Easy to go to the bathroom: Hunting pants are simply more comfortable to go to the bathroom in the wilderness. We’ve all squatted in the woods. Pants make it easier than bibs ever will.


  • Can get cold: In cold weather, pants will only make you colder. Even with insulated pants, you still have the area between your waist and your shirt that will get very cold. The alternative is tucking in your shirt, but that can be even more uncomfortable.
  • Bugs get on your back: When you’re crouching, sitting, or lying on the ground, insects have a perfect opportunity to crawl onto your back. This might be okay with you until, of course, you run into a poisonous spider or tick.
  • Pants falling down: The reason many hunters prefer bibs is because they don’t like their pants creeping down non-stop during their hunting excursions. If you don’t have a problem with your pants falling down, this won’t be an issue.

Pants conclusion​

Pants can be great in hot weather because they allow for breathability, but it can get unbearably cold when night comes. Bugs can get on your back, and you might have problems with your pants falling down, but at least you can go to the bathroom in the wild with ease!

Hunting bibs vs pants: Verdict?

Based on the pros and cons from above, you probably have an idea of whether you want hunting bibs or hunting pants. Our thought? Get both.

Hunting bibs are obviously the choice when it comes to cold weather and can keep bugs off your back. If you have problems with going to the bathroom in the woods and don’t like shoulder straps, you will stay away from bibs. As long as you don’t mind shoulder straps and get a good brand, hunting bibs are the way to go. Even in warmer weather, you can get bibs that aren’t insulated that allow your body to breathe, and they are the perfect middle-ground between pants and coveralls that give bibs a wide range of uses.

For those who just can’t stand shoulder straps, pants are the obvious choice, but you probably knew that before reading this comparison. When wearing pants, colder weather will make you feel a lot colder than bibs but can be beneficial in hot weather. When wearing pants, bugs will be able to crawl all over your back. Although it is easier to go to the bathroom in the wild with pants, it only takes some minor adjustments to get used to wearing bibs.

Our final conclusion: For most hunters, hunting bibs are the better choice.
